I’m a bit of a statistics nerd, so I created a Savannah crime map to keep track of the shootings and homicides that occur in the city. Since I frequently help readers find safe accommodations, I figured it would be beneficial to have the information available in visual format.

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Savannah Crime Map
Please note that I don’t keep track of every crime that occurs in the city; I only track incidents that result in death or injury.
In a few rare exceptions, I may also list drive-by shootings where multiple homes were damaged but no injuries occurred.
Why track crime statistics?
Because I think it’s helpful for you to be aware of current crime trends when you’re visiting a new city. (That includes any urban area — not just Savannah.)
Please do your research so you can stay safe and avoid crime hotspots while traveling.
Here are the current results for crime in Savannah…
Click on any icon to pull up additional information and links to news reports about each incident. Use the + or – signs in the bottom left-hand corner to zoom in and out on the map.
What’s Included on the Crime Map
As I mentioned above, I don’t keep track of every outstanding call for “shots fired”.
I only track incidents where a person was either injured or killed. That means this crime map includes homicides, gunshots with injuries, and stabbings that resulted in injuries.
Click on any icon on the map to pull up additional details, links to pertinent news articles, and follow-up reports.
You may need to zoom in, since some of the incidents overlap.
Homicides in 2025
No homicides have been reported in Savannah this year.
Officer-Involved Shootings
No officer-involved shootings have been reported in Savannah this year.
Crime Headlines in Savannah in 2025
- In January of 2025, four Savannah schools were placed under lockdown due to two off-campus shooting reports in the vicinity of the schools. [source]
- Also in January of 2025, a man serving life in prison had three of his convictions overturned by the Georgia Supreme Court. Jerry Chambers was convicted on three counts of felony murder in 2020 and sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. The convictions were overturned based on a technicality: the State failed to prove that officers pursuing Chambers were “badged and uniformed.” [source]
- Two SPD vehicles crashed into one another at the intersection of W 37th and Montgomery while responding to a commercial burglary call. The officers were not seriously injured but were transported to the hospital to get checked out. [source]
How to Make a Difference
If you would like to volunteer your time or donate to local programs that are helping to keep Savannah’s children off the streets and engaged in positive activities, these are the organizations I recommend:
Sections of Savannah
For clarification, here’s a very general guide to help differentiate the basic sides of Savannah:
- West Side: West of Bull Street
- East Side: East of Bull Street
- Southside: South of DeRenne
- North Side: North of Gwinnett
Sometimes you’ll hear Midtown referenced. I consider that the Ardsley Park/Baldwin Park area near Victory Drive and Atlantic.
Safest Areas to Stay in Savannah
Please remember that crime can occur anywhere. This crime map is simply a tool to show current trends so you can be an informed traveler.
If you’re traveling to Savannah for the first time, I recommend staying within the boundaries of Landmark Historic District. Those boundaries are as follows:
- North: River Street/the Savannah River
- East: E Broad Street
- South: Gwinnett Street
- West: Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard
The center east/west dividing line is Bull Street. It’s generally better to be closer to Bull Street than towards the eastern and western outskirts of the Historic District.
The Historic District has the highest concentration of restaurants, bars, and attractions, so it just makes the most sense to stay there during your initial visit to Savannah!
Here are 5 of the best Savannah Historic District hotels (according to readers, these aren’t necessarily my personal top choices) to get you started in your search.
Additional Resources
If you’re still concerned about crime and safety, I wrote some helpful city safety tips, and I included a chapter in my Savannah First-Timer’s Guide ebook dedicated to areas first-time visitors should avoid.
I also created a Savannah vacation “quick start” guide if you’re considering a trip but aren’t interested in purchasing the ebook.
These posts may also help with your trip-planning:
Make sure to bookmark this Savannah crime map if you want current statistics. I update it as events make the news, and I promise to do my best to keep you informed.
If you have any questions about the Savannah crime map, let me know in the comments below.
NOTE: Many of the comments below pertain to previous crime maps. You can find those here: 2024 Savannah Crime Map | 2023 Savannah Crime Map | 2022 Savannah Crime Map | 2021 Savannah Crime Map | 2020 Savannah Crime Map
*You can find additional statistics on the Savannah Police Department website under the “Weekly Reports” section of the “Crime” tab. You can also check the Lexis Nexis Community Crime Map, but please note that many of those incidents are not posted in the exact location where they occurred; they sometimes shift the location by several blocks for privacy reasons.
You’re missing the murder at Moss Pointe apt off of Abercorn on your map that happened 2 months ago.
It’s on there…the icon is just hidden under the shooting icon. (It was a double shooting, so there’s an icon for the homicide and one for the shooting.) If you click the link under the map that says “view directly on Google maps here” then you should be able to see every incident listed by date. Hope that helps! Thank you, though…I always appreciate updates if I’ve missed anything.
Thank you Erin for your research and information. This is so sad for such a beautiful and historic city to have this reputation. I moved out of Garden Grove, Ca for this PROBLEM! Please save this city. Lockem up and keep ‘em there!
Repeat offenders (especially those with a homicide to their credit) do need to be locked up, but I’m not in charge of making that happen in Savannah. I’ve only been tapped for jury duty once, and I wasn’t selected.
Violence in City of Atlanta got me looking elsewhere, but Savannah doesn’t sound like it’s any safer than Atlanta! I am trying to avoid moving to “the burbs”!
Some areas are better than others. If you zoom in on the map you can see that the Historic District is pretty safe! Typical urban area issues occur there — primarily thefts of opportunity. Leave your car doors locked, hide valuables in your trunk, and store items like bikes inside your home. You could also look at areas like Ardsley Park or Parkside (an easy bike ride to the Historic District from those two) or the islands. I get it, though…I prefer to avoid the ‘burbs myself.
Hi Britt. I lived in Sav for more than 10 years. I’ve lived in ATL for going on 6 years. Obviously we all have our own criteria, but I wouldn’t consider moving to SAV because of the uptick in crime we’re having in ATL. I don’t think even with our increase in crime you’re statistically safer in Sav. Again, we all have our own criteria, but in general, ATL has so much more to offer in all areas. It’s also prettier in ATL which I never would have guessed before moving. Maybe look at some other places regionally. Ashville, Greenville, etc.
Ashville is not much better these days. I live an hour thirty away in Franklin, much better here. Left Savannah almost two years ago.
i heard there was a death due to a stabbing. the victim was supposedly robbing someone… I think shady as well. have you heard anything.
I haven’t heard anything, but if you have more details I can check. What was the date and approximate time the incident happened?
Hi Erin,
I’m looking at visiting for 3 days in a couple of weeks, will be travelling alone. I dont necessarily want to spend the money to stay in the historic district, any suggestions of a decent cheaper area? Maybe near the airport? I dont mind driving to the historic district and paying for parking.
Hi Matt,
The area near the airport isn’t bad if you’ll be coming and going by car. You could also stay at one of the hotels on Abercorn in the midtown area, just south of DeRenne. The Hampton Inn & Suites Midtown might be an option. You can walk to the grocery store (Publix) and a few chain restaurants from there. It’s a well-lit area with lots of traffic, and I’d feel safe walking around there — as long as it wasn’t too late at night.
Just to clarify…I wouldn’t walk all the way to the Historic District from there at night. Drive when you go to the Historic District, but it should be fine to walk across the street for food in the Publix shopping center during the evening hours. 🙂
is east 34st safe I believe some friends have booked an airbnb in that area. would there be airbnbs in that area? thanks
There are lots of cute, small(ish) single family homes on E 34th. I’d say it’s a transitional area; I wouldn’t go as far as calling it safe. (It’s nicknamed the dirty thirties for a reason.) It’s possible you might hear gunshots late at night at least once during your stay. Do keep your cars locked, and always take your valuables inside. “Lock it or lose it” is a good rule of thumb anywhere in Savannah. I’d be much happier if you drove or took Uber/Lyft to get back to the rental late at night, but I’ve walked around that area during the day countless times. You can see on the map above that the further east you go (past Atlantic Ave), the more shootings there are. Hope that helps.
I live on 33rd st and we have furnished accommodation on 34th st. I take issue with the shootings you say occur there? I don’t see any on your map and haven’t heard of any in our neighborhood. We have been there for more than 10 years now and have seen a great transition. The first black mayor of Savannah lived on our block and his widow still lives there. We know most of our neighbors by name and we all look out for each other…I say that there are good blocks and not so good blocks in our area, usually a drug house is what can tarnish a block. I agree about being wary walking there after dark but I would say that for most of Savannah at night, or any other urban area for that matter. As a community we are trying very hard to clean up the “dirty” thirties. Personally, we wouldn’t want to live anywhere else in Savannah.
Thanks, Joe. I appreciate your comment. My crime map only includes gunshot fatalities and gunshots WITH injuries; gunshots without injuries aren’t included on the map.
I collect my information from a variety of sources. Those include – but aren’t limited to – the local news stations; the Ring doorbell app for the neighborhood; the NextDoor app; Shotspotter; messages from locals; FB groups, such as Thomas Square Open Chat, Ardsley Park Open Chat, and my own private FB group for visitors to the area; and my Nest camera. I try to be as accurate as possible and am happy to correct mistakes when someone can provide a link to updated info.
Like you, I also live on a street in the thirties. I live on a “good” block, and it sounds like you do, too. I also know my neighbors, and they look out for me. My response to Allen’s comment was my personal opinion, and I appreciate having your input, as well. He didn’t provide an exact address, so my comment reflects my general opinion of the area, which is that it’s still transitional and an area where it’s possible to hear gunshots.
Hi Erin,
My daughter is at SCAD but was only there for Spring quarter and had mainly remote classes so isn’t very famliar with Savannah yet. She has an option to take a class that ends at 10:30 PM and would need to walk to Oglethorpe house from Hayman Hall. Would that be safe at that time of night?
That’s a safe area in the Historic District. I’d feel comfortable walking by myself at night in that area. There should be a decent number of cars still driving around at 10:30, and there are also plenty of tourists in that area — especially during the summer months when it stays light out until around 9pm.
The Barnard route would be the most deserted (Orleans Square and the civic center area are pretty empty at night). Bull, Whitaker, or Drayton Streets would be the better routes. Whitaker and Drayton have lots of car traffic, and Bull Street has lots of foot traffic. She’ll probably find other students in her class who have to walk back to Oglethorpe House and can walk with them. I’d probably take the Bull Street option if I were walking that route late at night, myself. Hope that helps!
Thanks so much – that really helps!
How are thing on 42nd St? My husband and I are planning a trip later this year and have a reservation set there.
Which block of 42nd Street and are you staying on the east side or the west side?
West side. Barnard St and Jefferson St are right by it as well.
That’s the 200 block of W 42nd. It’s ok. The later it is at night, the sketchier that area gets. Jefferson Street between Victory Drive and 37th Street is still where many of the prostitutes are picked up and dropped off, so you’ll get the associated issues that accompany that type of business.
I don’t wanna stay in any area like that! Any recommendations on places to stay? I wanna go and enjoy our little getaway and not have to worry about where we are staying.
This post talks about the different sections of the city and what to expect in each zone: https://savannahfirsttimer.com/where-to-stay-in-savannah-georgia/
If you still want to stay in the Starland District (the area you chose on 42nd), I’d suggest picking something closer to the Bull Street corridor. The further west you go in that area, the rougher it gets (Jefferson St, Montgomery St, and MLK).
Thank you for going thru all the hoops to let people know. There used to be a Cop Crime map which has not worked for years -even after much questioning -surprise surprise.
I am 3rd generation Savannah family-things have really changed.
Midtown Savannah is amazing. When we bought our house this was not a “desired” place to live-Ardsley Park was the cool place. We rented there for a couple of years but could not afford a house-talking too much as usual 🤣
SPD still updates crime statistics on their website. They track more detailed information than I do, so it takes them longer to update their info. They use the Lexis Nexis community crime map, which works ok…but I don’t like how that map offsets crime locations for privacy reasons (although I understand it in the case of domestic abuse situations). When I look at a crime map, I want to see exactly where the crimes are actually occurring! I’m glad you found it helpful. I agree; Savannah is pretty amazing.
Hello Erin: My daughter will be attending SCAD in the fall and living in the new Olmstead Apartments on Indian St. I believe its precinct 2 in the southwest?
I am a little worried about the area. It look industrial and deserted except for two upscale apt buildings and a new high rise SCAD is building there. There is no doorman at night in the building. Evidently, the public housing across the road is being razed for townhouses or a Trader Joe’s possibility.
What do you know about this area and would you consider it safe?
Hi Carol! That entire area has undergone so much change over the past 2-3 years that it’s almost unrecognizable. Olmstead is located just outside the boundaries of the NW section of the Historic District, and the area is loaded with a high concentration of SCAD students. I do consider it to be pretty safe these days. Even before Olmstead and The Baxley were developed, one of my daughter’s closest friends stayed at The Hue for a year and she never had any issues. With the new SCAD dorm (https://savannahagenda.com/property-matters-scad-edition/) planned for 641 W River Street in that same area, the saturation of SCAD students — and SCAD patrol vehicles — will soon be even greater.
I just got a job in Savannah and will be moving there shortly.
I found a place I liked around Pennsylvania and Michigan, at least for the first year anyway. What are your thoughts on that area?
My two sons will be with me every other weekend.
Congrats on the new job!
I think it’s always a good idea to rent first in Savannah so you can decide if you like an area or not. The best thing you can do is get to know your neighbors and be active in the community. There are plenty of nice folks in that area who will look out for you and your kids. Take common sense precautions like keeping your doors locked and storing anything valuable inside. You’ll hear gunshots in the vicinity of Pennsylvania Avenue…and you’ll probably get used to them after you’ve been here a year.
Hi Erin – looking into relocating to the area, but was thinking of resting just on the outskirts of town – Walden @ Chatham apartments, is something I’m considering. Do you have a feel for that area, or do you just focus on downtown? Any help is appreciated! Thanks
Lisa H.
Hi Lisa! I live downtown and focus on the areas where I tend to walk everyday. It’s more difficult to get a feel for a place if I just drive by or run errands in the area. You can get into the downtown area very easily from there, though. Sorry I’m not more helpful.
I mean RENTING, not “resting”. 🙂
Ok – thanks for the reply anyway!!
We will be visiting savannah soon. I’d like to stay at the Thunderbird Inn. Is that a safe area?
That’s one of my favorite budget options! It’s not in the Historic District, but it’s about as close as you can get. You can easily walk to restaurants and bars from there. If you’re headed to City Market or River Street, I suggest walking along Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. or one of the streets to the east of MLK. Do NOT cut through Fahm Street or Ann Street to get to the Plant Riverside District — especially at night. That Dollar Store across the street tends to have some crime issues, too. Hope that helps!
Also, just in case any other visitors are reading this and searching for Thunderbird Inn, it’s located on Oglethorpe Avenue. Don’t confuse it with the old Thunderbird Hotel on Ogeechee Road, which isn’t safe.
Hi Erin, I am to moving to Savannah with my wife in a couple of months and the information here in regards to safety has been extremely helpful — thank you! What do you know about E 31st and Bull Street on Starland District? It’s closer to Forsyth Park, but still inside (even if on the outskirts) the “dirty thirties.” How do you feel about that area?
Hi B! You’ll find lots of SCAD students in that area, both day and night. Bull Street is the east/west dividing line for the Historic District, so it stays fairly busy. Generally, in real estate, the blocks closer to Bull Street are more desirable. So, the 100, 200, 300 blocks, for example, usually have good resale value. That location is within easy walking distance to restaurants landmarks, and the park. Crime problems in that vicinity are more likely to occur on the two streets directly north: Anderson and Henry. That’s because they’re a main thoroughfare for that section of the city.
Thank you for the quick response!! 🙂 It helps to know students bring live to the area, but it’s concerning to think the two streets north of it we’ll need to be cautious off. We have fur babies and they need to be walked day and… night. Would you say it’s safe to walk them during the night time there? Or we would be risking our safety?
I doubt you’d choose to walk your pups on Anderson or Henry. They’re both one-way streets and drivers use them similar to the way they use 37th Street and Victory Drive…to quickly move from east to west (or vice versa). You’ll probably choose to walk along the streets that don’t have nearly as much traffic. There are plenty of quiet streets where you can stroll around with the dogs, and you can certainly cross over Anderson and Henry to get to the park and neighborhoods north of there. Those two just aren’t considered “walking” streets, since they’re loud and busy.
That puts my mind at ease — if it’s car speeding on those two streets, I feel safer. We were worry about crimes being committed with guns and knifes in the area… But based on the Crime Map and our conversation, looks like that’s not the case. Thank you again, Erin! This is a great blog for Savannah newbies. 😛
Erin, Thanks for making this page! Very helpful information for people looking to move to Savannah. What are your thoughts on the 400 block of E 36th? Safe and easy to get around without owning a vehicle?
Hi Marie. You’re welcome, and I’m glad it’s helpful. It’s very easy to get around from that block without owning a vehicle! Most everything you’ll need is within easy walking or biking distance. Safety depends on the level of crime you’re accustomed to…it’s fairly safe, but it’s still downtown Savannah. It’s not going to be safe like it would be if you lived in the suburbs somewhere. 🙂 Keep your doors locked and your possessions out of sight (especially bikes). Get to know your neighbors, and look out for one another. Be cautious about walking around at night, at least until you get to know the area fairly well.
hey Erin, this is a great guide! i appreciate your hard work and dedication into this! As a Canadian who plans to visit Savannah in June of 2023, for the first time having an idea of where to go is great.
As a Savannah insider do you have any tips on hotels, that would be ideal for a young family to stay at, or which ones to avoid?
Hi Chad, I’m glad the site is helpful! The Marshall House is a great option for families. It’s centrally located within the Historic District, the employees are very helpful, it’s within easy walking distance to numerous restaurants and shops, it’s within a VERY easy walk to the free DOT shuttle pickup point, and there’s a city parking garage located behind the building (which you can use to avoid paying valet fees). If you can get a balcony room on the second level, even better!
Thanks for this resource. We are in 2nd District on Seiler and love the area and our neighbors, but are also cognizant of the gun activity that occurs, usually a handful of blocks away. Love the mapping and appreciate the data!
Hi Josh. I’m glad it’s helpful. I love the area, too! I just had dinner with one of your neighbors recently and kept mentioning how much I like the homes on Seiler. The neighborhood has a very cozy feel to it.
We consider a vacation at 217 w gwinnetth. Will we be safe?
I love walking around in that area. It’s beautiful! To stay safe, take all the usual precautions you should take in Savannah. Keep your doors locked, valuables out of sight, don’t take shortcuts down the lanes, and it’s advisable to take Uber or Lyft if you’re going to be out really late at night. Enjoy your trip!
I go looking at a house in Georgetown.. what do you think about that area ? Knightsbridge neighborhood to be exact thanks so much
I’ve spent a decent amount of time in Knightsbridge. It’s a fairly quiet neighborhood with only one way in and out. Flock cameras (license plate readers) monitor everyone who comes and goes in the neighborhood, so don’t expect much privacy. There are a decent number of police and alphabet soup agency types (you know what I mean…CIA, FBI, etc.) living in that area — which can be a good or bad thing, depending on your viewpoint.
My son is looking at a rental property at 1401 East 40th street, how safe is that location?
As another commenter mentioned (in one of the comments above), sometimes you may have one drug house that tarnishes a block, but for the most part the area is filled with nice homeowners and long-term renters. As always, have him keep his doors locked at all times and tell him to keep all valuables out of site — especially bikes and similar items.
Hi Erin – Thanks for your work to help people navigate the city. Any sense of the 1500 block of East 34? I don’t see the gun icon on your map where I find East 34th. I’m trying to get a grip on the map.
Hi Brian! I don’t know much about that block specifically — I live on the west side and don’t venture as far as the 1500s on the east side too regularly. The cluster of gun icons in the vicinity leads me to believe there’s probably gang activity nearby. Have you tried talking to residents on that block to ask their opinions about safety in the area?
The icons only show instances where someone was injured or killed. Shooters in Savannah tend to have bad aim, so there are plenty of instances where there are shootings with no injuries — and I don’t keep track of those. You could call SPD and ask them to release Shotspotter information for that area. They might make you do a FOIA request for the info.
Thank you, Erin. I’ll check out options on the west side!
Staying at the Bohemian soon. Would like to run 4 to 6 miles each morning. Safe to do that? Any direction to avoid?
Yes, it’s safe to do that. If you run on River Street, run closer to the water where the paving is new. If you run on the sidewalks you’ll have to cross too many areas with cobblestones and will risk turning an ankle.
The east side of the Historic District is more residential, so you’ll have fewer cars to dodge in that area. You can run throughout the Historic District, the Victorian District, and Starland in the morning and you should be fine. (Crime is a bigger concern at night.) Here’s a quick little route I put together that will take you past lots of landmarks. You’ll go through many of the squares, past the Mercer Williams House, the Armstrong Kessler Mansion, Alex Raskin Antiques, Congregation Mickve Israel, Cathedral St. John, Owens-Thomas House & Slave Quarters, Pirates’ House, and River Street. Google maps hasn’t updated to reflect the Plant Riverside District, but when you get back to the Bohemian, keep going heading west on the riverfront towards the bridge. https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1rk52PYaUxhme3Ys1VRk-i9tdp6t1Qf_g&usp=sharing
Also, ignore all of the stops on that map. Google wouldn’t let me draw a continuous line. lol
Very cool you took the time to do that. Thanks!
This is so incredibly kind and helpful for you to do! I wanted to ask if you might have suggestion for a girl coming to live there alone next month? Something safe and close to SCAD. I’ve never visited and know no one for suggestions😂
Hi Ali! Most of SCAD’s buildings are downtown — either in, or close to, the Historic District. If you can find a rental in the Historic District (they’re hard to come by these days), that would be most convenient. If not, you could try looking in Ardsley Park for a carriage house rental (also hard to come by these days). If you’ll have a car, Wilmington Island is a pretty safe area and it’s close enough to SCAD to be able to get to classes easily, but it’s also close to Tybee so you can escape to the beach.
We are looking at relocating. What do you think about the area near Windsor and White Bluff?
Hi Nicole! There are some very family-friendly neighborhoods in that area. I tend to know the downtown area best, so I’m not a huge help once you go that far south of the Historic District. I would definitely suggest renting first, just to make sure you like the area. If that’s not a possibility, at least try to spend a week in Savannah and drive through the neighborhood during all time of the day and night to get a better feel for it. Talk to the neighbors, too! Good luck with your move 🙂
Hi Erin, we live in New York and we are moving to Savannah. We are a married gay couple, been together for 21 years. I have read many of your replays about the safety of Savannah and I must say idk not feel comfortable moving there. I see what you can afford dictates where you can live. I don’t do well with crime all around me, it’s a bit frighting especially being a gay couple. I’m hearing that someone like me should be more south Savannah? In your estimation what would 250,000 in price of home get me in area of feeling safe. We have been to Savannah several times and it is beautiful but I can’t live in fear everyday just wondering when the next shooting or stabbing is going to happen. I hate crime so much that the fear is sometimes crippling to me….is the southern part of Savannah more safe and if it is what are some of the neighborhoods to live in? Thank you very much for your input. Greatly appreciate it!
Hi Jerry! First things first, the fact that you’re a gay couple shouldn’t make you feel any less safe in Savannah. The city is extremely LGBTQ friendly, and it’s rare to hear about any type of crime specifically directed towards members of the gay community. I can only recall one incident in recent years, and the parties involved were less-than-stellar and involved in other activities that contributed to their difficulties. It’s not an event that made the news or I would have listed it; it’s only something I know about from dating one of the officers who was on-scene at the time. (Which, sadly, is further proof that crimes go unreported or underreported here in Savannah, so I might’ve just invalidated my own point.)
Two of my closest friends here in Savannah are two gay guys (not a couple) who moved here from NYC prior to the pandemic, and they’ve settled in very happily. They live between MLK and Montgomery, so they’re in an even higher crime area than my location. The downtown scene is great for meeting people and building friendships. It is not as bad as it seems when you look at the crime map — which admittedly only focuses on the negative side of life in downtown Savannah. Having said that, if the fear of crime is “crippling”, as you say, then downtown Savannah might not be the right place for you.
I highly suggest renting first before buying no matter where you choose to live. You can go to sites like furnishedfinder.com and choose monthly furnished rentals and keep your items in storage until you move. That way you can really learn the vibe of an area. One perk of living outside of the city limits is that you won’t have to pay both city and county taxes. One negative of living outside the city limits is that you lose that “Savannah” feeling. Once you venture south of…let’s say DeRenne Avenue…the neighborhoods begin to feel a lot like ‘any suburb USA’. Feel free to email me if you have questions about a specific area –south Savannah covers a very large region!
Hi! We are looking at a rental on W 57th street across from Hitch Park. Im wondering how safe that area is?
I don’t spend a lot of time in that area, so I can’t say for sure. I’d suggest calling the police department to ask them. I believe that’s Central Precent territory, so just look up their number on the Savannah Police Department’s website. Inquire about crime statistics in that area (in a two or three block radius) and then ask them how many ShotSpotter calls have originated in that area over the past year.
Hi Erin,
This is super helpful. My fiancee went to SCAD so we are pretty familiar with the safe/not so safe areas in Savannah. We are actually headed back this weekend (we love Halloween down there), and are staying off of E Perry Lane. Not far from Crawford Park. Not as familiar with this area, and I know Hitch Village is not the greatest. I have heard that they’ve cleaned it up a bit. I also know that we won’t be too far from downtown (about 10-15 min walk). My question to you is, can we feel relatively safe in this area? We are going to be there for 5 days. Probably will walk when its light out but at night may be safer to uber? Thoughts? Thanks so much!
Hi Matt! Congrats on the engagement. I agree; Halloween is such a fun time to visit! That area is nice, but yes…you need to avoid Hitch Village. I feel safe walking around the Crawford Square area during the day, and I was even there after dark last night and felt fine. There were very few people out after dark, but it wasn’t scary. (I think it was just fairly empty because a lot of the tourists were gone since it was mid-week.) Stick to the streets to the west of your rental when you’re walking. If you’re coming and going particularly late at night, take an Uber or a pedicab. Have fun!
Hello!! I am a girl studying at SCAD. I haven’t been to savannah before and I am planning to go to savannah in the upcoming winter term. I have recently rented a house in the West of Jones street.. May I ask if this is a safe place to live in and will this be a safe place to walk from clark hall SCAD to home at 8-9 at night? THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Hi Kim! West Jones is a very safe area…one of the safest in the Historic District. It’s safe to walk from Clark Hall to W Jones around 8-9 pm. If I were walking home, I’d probably take MLK to Liberty to Tattnall (or Barnard) to get to Jones. MLK and Liberty are both very busy, so you’ll be safe there because so many cars will be out and about. Tattnall is quiet and residential, while Barnard is also nice because you can walk through the squares.
Hi Ms Clarkson,
We were planning on staying in Pooler for a week and wondering if it’s a safe area as we have our mother-in-law is with us and will be home most of the time.
Thanks much
Pooler is a pretty safe area, especially when compared to downtown Savannah. It’s a pretty typical suburban environment.
Hi Erin I am curious about magnolia square apartments on 54th Street. I am moving there on the 2nd of January and have only been the a few times.. thank you very much for for helpful tips.
Hi Tyler! I can’t say I’ve been to (or even heard of) those apartments. I hope your move goes well, though. If you end up needing the police late at night, there should be plenty in the vicinity. They like to gather near there to hang out when they aren’t busy on calls.
Hi! I’m looking at staying on the 100 blk of east gwinnett st. In an Airbnb. Is this a safe place for a mother and daughter to walk to sites? Also planning to
Keep a car (parks off street). Thanks!
Yes, that’s a safe home base. I’d be cautious about walking back to the rental late at night, though — it’s safer to take Uber/Lyft. Make sure you keep valuables out of site in the vehicle and keep it locked at all times (that’s standard no matter where you stay in Savannah). Enjoy your mother/daughter trip! 🙂
Hi Erin
I’ll be staying in Savannah 2.5 months for work starting in middle March. I’m considering an apartment across the street from Forsyth Park on Whitaker St. Do you consider that area to be safe or should I look elsewhere? Would you have any other recommendations that may be better? As I do travel for work, I feel very lucky I came across your platform. Your time and concern should be appreciated by all!
How lucky for you! March through May is probably the prettiest time to be in Savannah. I consider that to be a very safe area. In fact, you’ll probably see me walking there on a near daily basis 🙂 I don’t recommend cutting through the park late at night alone, but otherwise, take the typical safety precautions you’d use in any city (ie: keep valuables stashed in the trunk of your car, keep doors locked, etc) and enjoy your time in Savannah!
There was one right outside Black Orchid at the intersection of Victory and Barnard. No one is reporting on it.
Was around 4:30 today
Yes, the red truck one, right? I hope everyone is ok around there. There was one in the vicinity of 37th Street around that same time…5 shots at 4:25 pm. It’s been an active day…but not an active day of reporting. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if any other injuries make the news.
How safe is the West Oglethorpe area?
That depends on how far west? Overall, it’s pretty safe — mainly because it’s so busy. There are usually plenty of people out — even later into the night. When you move west of Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, there are some crime issues to the north. That Dollar Store on Oglethorpe gets a lot of police calls, so I’d avoid it. Yamacraw Village is another sometimes problem spot. If you stay in one of the hotels on W Oglethorpe in that area (Thunderbird Inn, Embassy Suites), I’d suggest walking along MLK if you want to head to the Plant Riverside District or to River Street. That would be the safer route for someone who isn’t familiar with the area vs. cutting through Fahm or Ann streets.
Thank you for publishing this very helpful site.
we will be visiting Savannah for the first time, arriving in early March, staying at the Marshal House. We plan to walk everywhere, or ride share if need be.
We will definitely visit Forsythe park and the city market.
Is there anything we need to know if we walk to either of this two destinations?
Hi Don. The Marshall House is fantastic! It’s in such a great location…convenient to so many restaurants, shops, and landmarks. Make note that they’re doing construction on Broughton Street in that area currently, but you’ll still be able to walk on the sidewalks — you just won’t be able to park directly in front of the building. It’s easy to walk to Forsyth Park and City Market. The free DOT shuttles loop from the northern section of the Historic District down to Forsyth Park, so they’re also a good option. City Market has some issues late at night, but it’s very family-friendly during the day and early evening. I’ve just written a post about it, and I included a section towards the end of the post about safety. Here’s the link: https://savannahfirsttimer.com/city-market-savannah/
Hello. I’m wanting to bring my wife to Savannah in July for our 40th wedding anniversary. I’ve found a couple of rentals on VRBO in the historic district on Jones street just north of Forsyth Park. Would you consider that to be a safe area? I know that crime can occur anywhere. We live in Jacksonville, FL, so I am well aware. She loves southern history (she grew up in South Carolina) and we have never been to Savannah. I’m hoping to surprise her. You input would be appreciated.
David B.
Hi David! The area directly north of Forsyth Park on Jones Street is one of the safest areas in the Historic District. Go for it! The location is close to the free DOT shuttle stops, so it will be easy for you to hop on a shuttle to get around. Jones Street is beautiful! Enjoy your anniversary celebration 🙂
All your info is extremely helpful!
We r considering a property in the early 200s of West 38th St-a pretty little block-and I think considered south part of Starland District?
What do u consider this area on your scale -we are led to believe (from real estate agents )it is safe.
We like the ability to walk to some really good restaurants. Generally do not walk very late at nite but evening,yes. The property is not cheap—latter 400s— We are not sure if we are getting the “skinny” lol- thanks!
Oh, I know which house you’re considering. The 200 block of W 38th is quite charming. The street is still paved with the original vitrified bricks and the folks living on that block are mostly long-time residents who all look out for one another. There’s only one Airbnb on the block (that I’m aware of), so that’s a huge perk. It’s within easy walking distance of some fantastic restaurants. As far as safety goes, that depends on what you’re accustomed to (big city life or small town/quiet suburb life)? You’re welcome to email me if you want “the real skinny” on 38th. erin@savannahfirsttimer(dot)com
Thanks! We had it under contract but odd conditions from owner – we were not accustomed to! Sort of dismantling the house to a degreee! We were deciding and had until end of today but agent prompted us strongly to opt out last nite! Oy! Now it’s under again in matter of hours after 80 some days on market! May change representation lol😊
My son and a friend are staying in a hotel on the 4000 block Ogeechee how bad is this area?
Without knowing exactly which hotel you’re referring to, I’d still feel pretty safe saying drug deals, murders, and SWAT standoffs in the parking lot level bad.
We have reservations for the Desoto in June. How safe is the neighborhood? We have been to Savannah before and stayed at the Embassy Suites but felt the area could be sketchy. Thank you for your help.
The southern portion of the Historic District has traditionally been the safest area in downtown Savannah, so that area is a good choice.
hi! looking at the residence inn by marriott in the historic district. wondering if that would be considered a safe area? how is walking around- to river st, etc? planning on strolling around historic district and doing touristy things for a few days. thank you!
It’s pretty safe in that area. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd is a very busy street, so you can walk along it to get to River Street. You could also walk a few blocks to the east and cut through some of the prettier areas in the Historic District to get there. For example, if you walk along Barnard Street you’d be able to through the squares — that would be a much prettier walk. You can see on the map above where the shootings have occurred recently. Most have been late at night, but there were a couple daytime shootings near the low-income housing area a couple blocks south of the Residence Inn.
Hi Erin! I just found your site and am so appreciative that you have gathered all this info and are willing to give advice on safe locations in Savannah!
My son and his girlfriend go to SCAD and are looking for a 2 bedroom house or apartment in the downtown area. Our biggest concern is finding the safest location for them that we can.
What are your thoughts on East Gwinnett St, East Gaston St, Whitaker St, West 41st St and Habersham St?
Sorry to ask about so many but I’ve found rentals on all of these streets that look good but want to be sure it’s relatively safe for them.
Any feedback from you is greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!😄
Feel free to email me with more detailed addresses, since some of those streets are very long. A good general rule of thumb is that the further away you move from the center east/west dividing line of Bull Street, the less safe the area (that’s a strong generalization, though). There are areas of W 41st, for example, where I would not want my daughter to stay on her own. My contact button is in the top menu.
Thank you for this helpful information
Since I live by Harmon and 37th St and by keeping Savannah informed
Happy to help!
Hi Erin,
Love reading all the good info on where to go and where not to go when visiting the Savannah area. We are planning a family vacation with three kids to the Savannah area in July and staying at a newly constructed VRBO townhouse in the Eastern Wharf District of Hitch Village/Fred Wessels Homes. Any information you can give us on this area would be greatly appreciated, when it comes to safety as well as touristy things to do. We will have a car and plan to go to Tybee Island as well as maybe Hilton Head. Our biggest concern however is safety. Since we are not in the historic district, which I see now is the safer area, what are your thoughts on Hitch Village?
That area is undergoing rapid gentrification. Areas near The Thompson are high-end, but there are also homeless shelters and government housing properties in the area. I believe there was a recent effort to relocate the homeless camps in that area, but I’m not positive about that. The mass shooting that occurred last summer in Savannah happened on Avery Street, and there have been drive-by shootings on Avery Street. So, like much of Savannah, it really depends which block the townhome is on when trying to determine safety in that area. Feel free to email me with the address of the VRBO. (Contact info is in the menu under “About.”)
Thank you so much, Erin! I sent you an email with additional information.
Hi Erin! Thank you so much for providing this service to Savannah residents and visitors, it is incredibly valuable. Hoping you will keep this site up in the future. Do you have any data from previous years you can provide on the side?
I have about six years of data, but it’s not public on the site yet. I’m working backwards and creating maps for previous years as I have time. I have a full years’ worth of data for 2021 and 2022. For 2020, I’ve entered all of the homicides, but only a small portion of the shootings. Feel free to email me if you have a specific question. My contact info is in the menu.
Hello Erin,
My son will be attending SCAD next month. I am interested in purchasing a home in savannah and even though I have visited quite often, there is a big difference in purchasing in the right area, and just spending a few days. Thank you so much for taking the time to do all this research for others. I love your page, and have found a lot of useful information.
I am a recent grad and a friend and I are moving next to the highway in the Edgemere/Sackville area. I know it’s had a history – I am wondering if you know anything about it? My hope is that it is better than it has been in the past but I have no idea.
That depends on how far in the past you’re looking. If you compare recent numbers, I haven’t seen much improvement. In fact, I would say the east side in general is seeing more shootings in 2022 than it has in the recent past. The west side has traditionally been the deadliest side of town, but east side shooters have certainly been burning through bullets this year. Edgemere/Sackville is in District 3, which is Alderwoman Linda Wilder-Bryan’s district. I would suggest reaching out to her directly whenever crime issues arise (after contacting SPD, of course), and make your vote count in the next city election if you don’t get a suitable response: https://www.savannahga.gov/3030/District-3
Hi Erin
Looking at investing in savannah. Thoughts on the Sylvan Terrace area?
I don’t know much about that area at all. It’s a little further south than the areas I usually hang out.
I am considering moving from Naperville, Illinois to Savannah, preferably Southbridge area or area that you would recommend. Safety is utmost importance. What other areas including Southbridge you would recommend for me and my wife to look at. We do not have any connection to Georgia, Savannah specific but something different than living in Illinois for 50+ years and are retired. Your professional opinion will be appreciated and help us in deciding if we should consider Savannah.
Southbridge is a safe area, but it looks like any typical suburb to me; it doesn’t particularly scream “Savannah.” It’s easy enough to get to downtown Savannah from there, though. The island areas are also safe (Whitemarsh, Wilmington, Isle of Hope, etc.). Skidaway is an option — if you don’t mind spending some money. Definitely chat with a real estate professional to have them steer you to a few ideal places! It’s best if you can visit these areas first to see if you like the vibe.
Hi Erin,
One area that I really haven’t seen discussed on this forum is the Southwest portion of Savannah, over by Kroger off of Highway 17. According to your map, that area doesn’t see much crime at all. Would you consider that area generally safe? There’s a bunch of new construction over there in the Berwick Plantation area. What are your thoughts about that area?
If the Savannah Police Department doesn’t list any homicides or shootings in an area, then I don’t have anything to report (unless I witness something with my own eyes). So that area must be pretty safe. I haven’t spent any time there, though, so you might want to chat with homeowners to get more info. Quacco Road has some issues, but that’s all I’m aware of.
Wow! Wonderful information. Thank you so much. My wife and I just purchased a home on Seiler Avenue near Waters. We are moving from across the country because we love Savannah so much. Literally hours after I took the keys to the house there was the shooting on Ott and 38th. I panicked and thought we just made a huge mistake. The thing is, and I’m feeling much more optimistic after reading about your experiences and those of the commenters, you can’t live you life being afraid of the world outside of your house. Be smart, make good decisions, and get to know your neighbors and your neighborhood. Again, thanks for the awesome insights!
Sorry about the gunshot welcome you received, but welcome to the area! Yes: know your neighbors, look out for your neighbors, and practice situational awareness — but don’t live in constant fear. That’s the Savannah way!
Thanks so much! You put the SPD to shame. Got a nursing job and will be moving to the suburbs in the Montgomery area off of Whitefield ave. Looks to be clear of crime so far.
Ha, thanks! Maybe one of these days SPD will start reporting more in-depth statistics so I won’t have to maintain the crime map anymore. (A girl can dream!) Thank you for bringing your nursing skills to the area.
My wife and I have seriously considered moving to Savannah. Based on the crime reports and all the “GARBAGE” that creates crime without any repercussions such as “eliminating” this GARBAGE, we will never consider Savannah. Keep living there knowing that this GARBAGE will eventually knock on your door and THEY ARE NOT LOOKING FOR BANANNA HANDOUTS !!!
I can only speak for myself, but your presence will not be missed in Savannah.
I’m looking for a shooting with an injury that happened on October 17-18th and I can’t find it
Hi Brandi. I’d need more information to track it down. Where did the shooting occur? Which of those two dates? Approximately what time?
Just out of curiosity how come this list doesn’t include Quinton Simon and the one other baby that were killed this year?
I was sick during the Quinton Simon incident and got behind with updating the map. I’ve recently updated all of the cases I’m aware of, including that one. (The Quinton Simon case is under the Chatham County section.) The only other toddler incident I’m aware of is the one on the 2100 block of Alaska Street on August 29th, and that one is included on the map. Was there another one?
Thank you so much for your time with this. I use your map to help clarify gun violence deaths in Savannah. Your map has been a great supplemental tool.
Fyi, unless I’m misunderstanding the details, it seems the 2023 map lists 3 deaths (2 homicides and 1 suspicious death) from Jan & Feb of 2022. May want to check the details on the events or could just be a filter issue.
Thanks again for what you do!
Thanks for letting me know, RC. I was saving the 2022 information to use as a template for 2023, but I had them hidden. You must’ve somehow clicked to “unhide” them. 🙂 I’ve saved the template offsite now so no one will do the same and get confused. (PS: Here’s hoping your fence will stay free from orange ribbons this year!)
Hi Erin.. I’m a 70 year old considering moving from NC to SAV soon. I have found a small apartment online. . It’s on W. Charlton St. Is that a safe area for someone who will be living alone? Is there public transportation in that area? I don’t own a vehicle.
How close is the address to shopping?
I use a wheelchair or walker to get around. Are the sidewalks safe? Thanks!
W Charlton Street is located in (what I consider) the safest area in downtown Savannah — the southern portion of the Historic District. There is public transportation in that area. You can use the CAT busses to get around. They are a wheelchair-friendly mode of transportation. You can also use the Downtowner vehicles for free rides at night. The sidewalks are fairly safe, but many sidewalks in Savannah have bumpy areas from loose bricks, roots, etc. You didn’t provide an address (and please don’t, since these comments are public), but W. Charlton is fairly close to Kroger, which should have the majority of the groceries you need. It also has a pharmacy and a Starbucks.
I’m moving to the Savannah area in a few weeks and have signed a lease in the Cuyler/Brownsville neighborhood. I’m now realizing this might not be a great neighborhood but I’m seeing varying opinions online. I’m located on 42nd and Stevens St. As a local, do you think this neighborhood is safe to live in?
I love Cuyler Brownsville, but at the same time…much of that area still has crime problems. 42nd and Stevens might be one of the better streets, but I’m honestly not sure. It’s a little too close to a couple of the worst streets in Savannah for my liking, so I don’t think I’d feel comfortable living there. (And by the worst streets in Savannah, I’m referring to W 38th and Bulloch, where multiple murders have taken place within the past 6 months. To get into how bad that area is would take some time to explain, but feel free to email me if you want more info. My contact info is in the button in the top menu.) In short, I would get out of the lease if you still have that option.
My God, what an absolute failure of a city. A shooting gallery. Your maps are excellent and show there is not a single place in Savannah with even the most basic of safety. The shootings, stabbings, assaults, and gang activity show this to be a modern day horror show.
You can zoom in to find relatively safe areas. The Historic District, Victorian District, Thomas Square, and Ardsley Park aren’t bad. Still, if I were grading Savannah on its safety, I would give it an F.
Have family members who will be vacationing in Savannah for the first time. They are looking to book an AirB&B near 400 West 36th street. Someone told me that a good rule of thumb is not to go south of Forsyth Park, especially as a tourist. What do you think??
Hi Janet!
It’s perfectly fine to go south of Forsyth Park. 🙂 You do need to be a little more careful walking around in some areas late at night since there aren’t as many tourists around.
I know most (if not all) of the Airbnb owners on the 400 block, and it’s a good block. There are lots of full-time residents there who look out for each other’s homes. The worst problem you’ll have is the annoying thump of loud music from cars driving by on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Also, that street floods terribly (when we get a good, soaking rain), so keep that in mind and pay attention to where the homeowners tell you to park.
I know there was a murder involving an infant which is heartbreaking but I don’t see it on here.
It’s on there under the Chatham County homicides section. The icons for those are grey instead of black. You’re referring to the one on Quacco Road, right? The infant was only one or two months old and the mom was arrested?
Hello Erin. Love this site and your 1st timer’s guide. Very helpful planning our June trip.
Looking at an AirBNB in new development at Hitch Village, near Thompson Savannah. Is this a fairly safe area? From your map there’s a pocket of shootings to the East but it looks like we would be avoiding that area. Traveling with two 18 years old who will want to wander and explore downtown. Any concerns?
I’m glad the site is helpful. The area immediately surrounding the Thompson Savannah is safe, but Hitch Village is not particularly safe — so I guess it depends on exactly where that rental is located. The mass shooting we had here in Savannah a couple summers ago was on Avery Street in Hitch Village. There were multiple shootings there throughout that year. It has been a trouble spot for quite some time.
For the current year, you are correct: most of the shootings are concentrated further east in the area around the Savannah Gardens housing development and the Pennsylvania Avenue corridor. If you stay near the Thompson and your kids walk along the riverfront to explore, they should be fine.
I’ve lived here for 5 years now -Barnard Street in the Victorian district and for a small city (under 150,000) I am appalled at the amount of murders and shootings that occur. It seems we are on track for another year of 2 murders a month and many, many more shootings. I lived in NYC for over 20 years and felt safer there.
I don’t live far from you, and I agree. My daughter lives in NYC, and I also agree that it feels safer there in many ways. City leaders don’t seem to care about making significant changes around here (not when that tourism money is still flowing strong like the Savannah River). I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… I don’t care if the crime map scares away ALL the tourists. Maybe then Savannah’s leaders will finally take steps to reduce our ridiculously high poverty rate and begin to address the root cause of crime.
Hello! First of all, thank you for keeping this map active. It is extremely helpful. Second, you’re missing a fatal hit and run incident from 11/26. Here is the news article for reference: https://fox28savannah.com/news/local/savannah-police-investigate-fatal-hit-and-run-on-abercorn-street
Thanks for the update! I just added it to the map. (I use a service that sends an alert whenever there are shootings, but I haven’t set it up to let me know about hit-and-run incidents. I need to do that.) I’m glad the map is helpful.
They had another homicide on Dec 5th in Savannah that’s not on there and all the names pending have been released for the ones you have missing.
Was it on December 5th or could it have been on the 4th? I’m not seeing anything in the news on the 5th. As for the names, I’m still trying to find identities for a few of the ones listed as “name pending release.” I might have to contact the coroner’s office for the info since SPD hasn’t been including names on their website recently. Thank you for keeping me on my toes, though. I hate (for the sake of the victims and victims’ families) that there are so many shootings I can’t even keep up with all of the info.
hello, you missed a hit and run on Ferguson Ave. May 11th my husband was hit while riding his bicycle. He didn’t make it home. I can link a website with info from news source,if needed. my husbands name is/was James Nichols III
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve just added the hit and run to the list. If you have a better description of the vehicle, please let me know. (“Silver Ford” was all I could find.) I sincerely hope they catch the suspect. I was injured by a silver Ford truck in April of 2019, but I was walking downtown at the time. I did report the incident to SPD, but the driver was never located and/or I never received any type of follow up. I do have a picture of the truck as it was driving away, though. I would hate to think it could be the same person.
Hi, my kids gf lives in Savannah. She was recently told there have been 7 women that their throats were slashed. I a, unable to find anything to verify that. Any word?
I don’t have anything that would verify that info, either.
I found your site by accident but glad I did. I’ve read many comments and have clicked on many sites you have recommended. I think this website is very informative and you have done an outstanding job with it!
I have never been to Savannah but had several family members and friends that have and they loved it. I’ve always wanted to go so I’m finally planning on going this 4th July weekend and staying four nights. I’m also planning on proposing to my girlfriend somewhere memorable but looking for recommendations as well as a safe hotel in the historic district or by the river.
Lastly, does the city allow a person to ride their own e-scooters and are there policies against it?
Thank you again!
Hi Kevin! I’m glad the site has been helpful. I responded to your questions via email, so feel free to reply if you have follow-up inquiries. Here’s a post I wrote about the hotels on River Street: https://savannahfirsttimer.com/hotels-river-street-savannah/ You might want to keep those tips in mind as you’re searching for accommodations. I don’t have an answer to your question about e-scooters. I’ve seen people using them, but I don’t know the laws regarding their use.
Hi Erin, came across your website. Thank you for providing such useful info! What is your opinion of Gwinnett St/Tattnall area? Booked a condo, but looking at google maps, I see bars on the bottom floor windows. Where I’m from, that’s a sign it’s not a great area.
Those bars are there as a precaution and might’ve been placed over the windows a decade ago. It’s somewhat close to a low-income housing area (Frazier Homes) that has some crime problems, but overall that area is ok. I walk around in that area frequently. It’s safer than my house in the Starland District, which doesn’t have bars on the windows. lol
Hi Erin,
Thank you so much for this site. I just moved my daughter in on E Broad St and last night we heard gunshots for about a solid minute, followed by police cars right across the street and later learned a women had been shot. I’m terrified to leave her down here. Is this street notorious or was this an isolated incident?
E Broad has had some problems through the years, but I wouldn’t say it’s notorious. In fact, I think that area is improving, if anything. Last night’s shooting occurred on Wilder Drive. There was actually a mass shooting on that block (on Avery Street) a couple years ago. I believe it occurred in 2021?
If someone gets injured during a drive-by it typically makes the news, otherwise you’ll probably only see mentions of it within local Facebook groups. There are a few unofficial SCAD parent Facebook groups (if your daughter is attending SCAD) you might consider joining. You can also join groups like Savannah Connection to see if anything is mentioned. The moderators of groups like the “We Love Savannah Georgia” one censor news of shootings. I’m really glad you and your daughter are safe!
Thank you for the information. It may have been reported as Wilder Dr but the police put caution tape and blocked the road and used spotlights on E Broadway. It also happened again last night just a 3 minute walk away. Another woman wounded. Very alarming.
It IS very alarming. I shouldn’t have to update the map on a near-daily basis, but that’s what I find myself doing. Major changes need to happen in Savannah to make this a safer place, but few are interested in fixing the issues and most stakeholders would rather pretend they don’t exist.
Will you include the shooting that happened 9/4/2024 in West Savannah, I believe two people were shot?
Do you have a link to any news stories about it? I don’t have any information for a shooting on that date. The shooting on W 52nd Street is the most recent one I’ve heard about on the west side.
WTOC just reported on it, so I’ve added it to the map!
Hi, thanks for publishing this. Super helpful and I haven’t found anything else like it as someone who is moving from out of the area. I’m currently considering apartments across the street from the Thompson Hotel and a complex on the 400 block of Oglethorpe ave. Are these areas safe? I am a little concerned at the proximity to Hitch Village (specifically wilder and avery streets).
The apartments across the street from the Thompson should be fine. That area is becoming gentrified so fast it makes my head spin. It seems like there’s another new building going up every time I walk over there. There used to be a homeless encampment nearby, but the city cleared it out about two years ago. It’s fast becoming nothing but a tourist zone now. (Which means some of the nearby restaurants can get pricy…like Fleeting.)
Hitch Village still has its moments, but it’s nowhere near as bad as it was back in the summer of 2021. That’s when a mass shooting took place, plus a couple additional shootings…all within a relatively short time frame. You’ll likely still hear gunfire in that area occasionally, though.
That complex on the 400 block of Oglethorpe looks pretty nice! I just walked past there this week. It’s adjacent to SPD headquarters, and you can easily walk to restaurants like E Tang and Screamin’ Mimi’s. I think you’ll be fine at any of the locations, just keep an eye out for trouble if you have to walk near Avery/Wilder, etc.
I’m so glad you’re doing this! Please follow our organization—we work with high-risk youth in Savannah and always need volunteers and funding http://www.tiporganization.org